Thursday, March 25, 2004
Are we any different?
Comments to Sabbath School Lesson #13: The Power Of The Resurrection
The resurrection was a grand event. There had been nothing like it since the creation of this world. In fact, the same power that made possible the creation also made possible the resurrection. It is a shame that no one, except for a few Roman Soldiers, witnessed it. And, they ran away scared. Any witnesses would have told us exactly what happened. Then again, since our Scripture is inspired, we probably do know what did happen. The Power that made creation and resurrection possible is still at work today. It is the same power used by the Holy Spirit to sanctify us. It is this power that puts away the old man, and creates in us a new man. It is this power that allows us to be born again. It is this power that gives us victory over Sin.
This power the disciples had not yet received at Jesus’ resurrection. In fact they were disheartened by the death of Jesus. They disregarded all that Jesus had said about His Resurrection. Mary Magdalene and the disciples were sure they would find His corps in the tomb. At this point, it seems that, even the Pharisees believed more than the disciples. They heard Jesus say He would rise again on the third day. They believed Jesus. Otherwise they would have not asked to seal the rock covering the tomb’s entrance. They also bribed the Roman soldiers to start a rumor that the disciples themselves had removed the body.
As Mary Magdalene was mourning by the tomb Jesus appeared to her. At first she did not recognize Him. But, when Jesus called her name she recognized His voice. Immediately, her sad semblance turned to joy. Jesus also appeared to the disciples later on. Thomas was not there. He was incredulous when he heard his partners. “Unless I touch His scars myself, I will not believe,” said Thomas. The next week Jesus appeared again with Thomas present. Jesus challenged Thomas to touch Him. Thomas just said, “My Lord and my God!” He last appeared to a few of the disciples who were fishing. At this time Peter was re-commissioned to ministry.
We look back at this account and think about Mary and the disciples. We may feel tempted to think of them as foolish or dumb. What will it take for them to get it? Remember, that spiritual things are spiritually discerned. They had not yet received the Holy Spirit. What will it take for us to get it? Are we any different than Mary and the disciples? We brag about our Health Message. According to preliminary results of Health Study 2, 60% of the respondents are overweight. After all the light we have we still live in darkness. We have no excuse. We have been promised the Holy Spirit, just like the disciples. Are we choosing to let Him work in us? We’ve known for years that our divorce rates are not too different from those of non-adventists. I would dare say that our debt rate is probably as bad, if not worse, than those of non-adventists.
Let’s look at this week’s passages. Mary recognized the Lord’s voice at the point when He mentioned her name. Most Adventists I talk to, do not believe God speaks to them, but Christ said His sheep know His voice and know Him. Thomas believed when He saw, do we even look? We live in very solemn times. Prophecies are being fulfilled in our very own eyes. And, yet we live as if the second return will never happen. We carry on like most unbelievers, “eating, drinking, and being merry, for tomorrow we die.” We live like in the days of Noah: “marrying and giving ourselves in marriage.” We live too worried about owning homes, growing families, and going up the career ladder. We are more interested in sports, the market, and the news than reading and studying the Bible. We are more interested in gossip than praying. We never ask God for His will, but instead ask Him to bless ours. Are we any different? What will it take for us to get it?
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